BIOL 1081 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Down Syndrome, Kimono, Exponential Growth

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22 May 2018
10/12- 11/2 (up to all of top half of LO, and bottom half (2,3,4))
Cell Division
purpose- growth, repair, reproduction
Mitosis- asexual, somatic cells
Meiosis- sexual, gametic cells, fusion of sperm and egg
Prokaryotes- binary fission
Mitosis vs meiosis
DN Packaging
How it is packaged into chromosomes
Chromatin wrapped around Histone
Nucleosome makes solenoid
What it is and what is shows
XX- female
XY- male
Show chromosomes and how they exist in pairs, stained (banding), size, shape
Trisomy 21- extra chromosome at position 21
Sexual vs Asexual Reproduction
o Life Cycle
Fertilization- sperm and egg fuse= diploid zygote
Development- diploid zygote
Asexual- kimono dragon
Binary fission- bacteria, exponential growth
*Know all of the C’s
Centriole- part of centrosome
Centrosome- organelle
Both organelles
Cell Cycle
o G1
o S
o G2
o Mitosis
o Cytokinesis
What goes on at each
G0- cell death, check for DNA damage (repaired if can and renter)
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Document Summary

10/12- 11/2 (up to all of top half of lo, and bottom half (2,3,4)) Cell division: purpose- growth, repair, reproduction, mitosis- asexual, somatic cells, meiosis- sexual, gametic cells, fusion of sperm and egg, prokaryotes- binary fission, mitosis vs meiosis. Dn packaging: how it is packaged into chromosomes, chromatin wrapped around histone, nucleosome makes solenoid. Karyotype: what it is and what is shows, xx- female, xy- male, show chromosomes and how they exist in pairs, stained (banding), size, shape, trisomy 21- extra chromosome at position 21. Sexual vs asexual reproduction: sexual, life cycle, fertilization- sperm and egg fuse= diploid zygote, development- diploid zygote, asexual- kimono dragon, binary fission- bacteria, exponential growth. *know all of the c"s: centriole- part of centrosome, centrosome- organelle, both organelles. Interphase: g1, s, g2, mitosis, cytokinesis, what goes on at each, g0- cell death, check for dna damage (repaired if can and renter, cell spend most of its time in interphase.