BIL 250 Study Guide - Final Guide: Dihybrid Cross, Klinefelter Syndrome, Centimorgan

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20 Feb 2020

Document Summary

Remember: this isn"t a substitute for your notes or text. Anything covered in class is fair game, even if it accidentally didn"t make it to the study guide. Text readings on material we covered in class should be considered mandatory. Any equations you need will be provided on the exam. Just be able to recognize them and enter the appropriate numbers. You may bring a simple calculator to the exam. When reviewing the notes, always refresh your browser to be sure you have the most recent updates. There will be only 25 questions from lectures 1-20, so this study guide is pretty targeted. The rest of the exam (50 questions) will be on the most recent material. Know the meaning/significance of: monohybrid cross dihybrid cross trihybrid, etc. cross gene locus allele homozygous heterozygous dominant allele ploidy recessive allele diploid codominance incomplete dominance haploid. Remember that chromosome number is not a great way to determine evolutionary relatedness.