BIL 250 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Rolling Circle Replication, Synonymous Substitution, Silent Mutation

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20 Feb 2020

Document Summary

This study guide is only a checklist of what you should know for the exam. It is not a substitute for attending class or reading the lecture notes and text. Exam ii will consist of 50 multiple choice questions. You can expect to solve some problems but no calculator will be needed. Anything from lecture is fair game: just because it accidentally didn"t make it to the study guide doesn"t mean it"s not important. Consider all embedded videos to be required viewing. clone prototroph auxotroph. F" plasmid endogenote plating on agar bacterial colony bacterial lawn. Understand how bacterial strains can be selected on enriched media or with antibiotics. Understand conjugation, transformation, sexduction, transduction (generalized and specialized) Understand what is meant by rolling circle replication (for a handy video on rolling circle replication, see: https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=z0pmlofobxk ) Know what is meant by plasmids replicating autonomously. Understand why a double crossover is necessary for incorporation of exogenote.