UGC 112 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Antisemitism, Filipino Nationalism, La Solidaridad

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Section 14: nationalists claimed that -> a people who shared the same language, historic experience, & sense of identity made up a nation. Believed that everyone must belong to a nation. Every nation had to assert its identity, pursue its destiny, & defend its rights. Giuseppe mazzini -> nation was the essential framework in which individuals could achieve moral perfection. Nationalism in europe: almost all european states -> contained more than one nation. Many european nations -> straddled the borders of states. German nationalists -> yearned to unite all german-speaking people in a single state. Ottoman empire -> uncontainably conflicting nations within its borders: some large states that enclosed many nations -> tried to stir themselves into consistency. (cid:862)russifi(cid:272)atio(cid:374)(cid:863) i(cid:374) the russia(cid:374) e(cid:373)pire -> meant suppressing historical languages & sometimes persecuting minority religions. Britain -> (cid:272)otla(cid:374)d"s highla(cid:374)ders (cid:449)ere e(cid:454)pelled from their land & sent into exile.