PSY 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Solitude, Tardive Dyskinesia, Reuptake

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Distinctive stable pattern of behaviors, thoughts, motives and emotions that characterize an individual. Explain differences between people in terms of stable personality traits. Modern day psychologists have found 5 personality dimensions that span cultures. The 5 factor theory is helpful in predicting general trends in behavior. it is too general to predict behavior in a specific situation. Temperaments: physiological dispositions to respond to the environment in certain ways. Reactivity - babies who are very reactive to the environment. Soothability- babies who are easy or slow to warm up tend to be that way 10 years later. 123 pairs of identical twins and 127 pairs of fraternal twins. Results suggest that personality differences in the population are 40-50% genetically determined. (extroversion + openness)