ES 330- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 18 pages long!)

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Maintains inter-agitation of actin and myosin b. ii. b. iii. Titin: keeps thick filaments in place: what endocytoskeletal protein is known to fail during lc-induced damage, desmin, what type of contractions causes the greatest amount of damage, lengthening contractions (ecc) a. i. More force deficit: what causes hypercontraction of myofibrillar protein, unregulated calcium (ca2+) influx, combine thick and thin filaments leading to contraction, hyper-contraction or contraction clot c. i. Initiates protein degradation: discuss the sequence/time course of inflammatory cell infiltration, the first inflammatory cell to enter are neutrophils most abundant type of white blood cell, digest debris through phagocytosis a. i. Neutrophils enter the cell almost immediately following exercise/damage a. ii. Returns to normal levels within 24 hours a. iii. a. iv. In infants, neutrophils can remain within the cell for up to 7-14 days: the second inflammatory cell to enter are macrophages white blood cells that engulfs and digest debris through phagocytosis. Circulating macrophages peak at 3 days, return to normal at 14 days.