BIOS 443 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Pathogen-Associated Molecular Pattern, Clonal Selection, Humoral Immunity

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26 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Overview with focus on innate immunity vs adaptive immunity. The function of the immune system: to rid the body of pathogens, 4 steps: immune recognition, effector functions, regulation, and memory b. i. Recognition: clonal selection theory, b/t cells (adaptive immune system) b. i. 1. Effector functions: b/t cell activation & effector mechanisms b. iii. Regulation: b/t cell developmental tolerance (to self) b. iii. 1. Innate cells sense pamps (pathogen associated molecular patterns) a. i. Very broad (ie. bacteria virus fungi not e. coli : adaptive cells each recognize exactly 1 antigen b. i. Effector functions: what happens after recognition of an antigen b. Inflammation (one of the biggest innate functions) b. ii. Cytokines (tiny proteins for cell to cell communication) b. iii. Complement (to alert the adaptive immune system) b. iv. Phagocytosis (engulf and ingest microbes or infected cells to prevent proliferation: adaptive response c. i. B-cells (produce antibodies; part of humoral immunity) c. ii.