BIO 200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Carl Linnaeus, Georges Cuvier, James Hutton

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Some hypotheses for the cause of the latitudinal gradient: climate stability, increased competition, increased predation, increased energy (ecological hypothesis, evolutionary time (evolutionary hypothesis) But there are also seasonal disturbances in the tropics and variation among different areas in the tropics. But the tropics are rich in resources, meaning more overlap and more generalists. Circular argument that does not address the reason for the gradient. Increased energy (higher temperature in the tropics): increased productivity (higher plant biomass, overwintering tolerance (no winter-deaths, longer growing season, ambient energy (more reproduction instead of maintaining homeostasis) Evolutionary time: over the course of evolutionary time, species richness may increase in the community as more speciation events can occur. **closer island to the main land will have a higher immigration rate. Carolus linnaeus: binomial classification, james hutton incomplete dominance or codominance, gradualism, benefits of competition ( invisible hand . Thomas malthus: populations grow geometrically, limited by resources (competition), periodically collapsed by disasters.