PSC 321 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: San Remo Conference, Henry Mcmahon, The San Remo

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Orientalism is a concept developed largely through Edward Said’s book, Orientalism
The book was extremely controversial, as it essentially “called out” Western nations for
their negative stereotypes of the Middle East
When you think of Orientalism as a concept, think of the way the East and Arab states
are presented in popular Western culture. For example, think about the movie Aladdin.
The culture is presented as ancient, mystical, and even backward
Orientalism as a discourse of domination, way of suggesting that the other is inferior
Colonial Legacy
Colonial legacy is the elements of government, culture, and politics that stick around in
countries even after they become independent states
For example, in Syria, many people speak French because they were once colonized by
the French. Additionally, colonizing countries often split borders that divided nations
unnaturally. These unnatural borders still cause issues, and this contributes largely to
the colonial legacy
Unresolved national issues: Balfour Declaration
Different nationalisms
Nationalist movements against colonial rule (state-specific)
Arab nationalism
Colonial practices
How they rule the country
Divide and rule
Used by the French in Morocco, Syria, and Lebanon
Syria (administrative divisions)
Promote fragmentation
Exacerbate divisions between sectarian groups
Undermine Arab nationalism
Empower certain groups v. others
State building
Colonial practices varied when it comes to:
Devolution of power to local agencies / administrators
Implications for bureaucratic development
Allocation of resources (ex: relative spending on education v. security)
Limits of colonial legacy
Agency of local leaders during and after colonial rule
Political decisions after independence
Local institutions prior to European colonialsm
Primordialism is a school of thought that believes identity is fixed and difficult to change
As a result, groups with differing religions, languages, and cultures will not be able to
peacefully coincide, as their differences cannot be overcome
Identities are ascribed; fixed; and predetermined
Nations are old; based on biological, cultural, or linguistic bonds
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Sykes-Picot Agreement
The Sykes-Picot agreement was a secret pact settled in 1916, between the UK and
The agreement occurred at the end of WWI and divided what was the Ottoman Empire.
The divisions are notoriously unnatural, and the agreement is often said to be at fault for
continuing conflict in the MENA
Additionally, the British had previously promised an Arab homeland in Syria, which they
did not receive because Sykes-Picot gave Syria to France
Borders were determined by balancing colonial interests against local resistance
Hussayn McMahon Correspondence
The Hussayn McMahon correspondence was a series of letters exchanged between
Hussayn ibn Ali and Britain’s high commissioner over Egypt, Sir Henry McMahon during
The letters promised Hussayn an independent Arab state in exchange for support of
Britain’s military expenditures
Of course, this agreement was negated (undone) by the Sykes-Picot agreement
San Remo Conference
The San Remo conference occurred at the end of WWI. It included the Allied powers of
Britain, France, Italy, and Japan. The leaders of these countries spilt the Middle East into
Syria, Mesopotamia, and Palestine
This was the first time “Palestine” was an established state. The borders remained
contests and were not finalized until four years later
Produced the Treaty of Sevres in August 1920
Balfour Declaration
The Balfour Declaration was a 1917 statement by the British government stating their
support for a Jewish nation and homeland in Palestine; but that nothing shall be done to
prejudice the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or any other country
Politically, it seems Britain hoped that this would please American Jewry, which
would pressure the US government into giving more assistance in the allied war
Underlying the political concerns were very close connections between leading
advocates of the Zionist cause and members of the British cabinet
In a sense, it contradicted the Hussayn-McMahon correspondence that promised a
homeland for Arabs
Sealed Britain’s role in Palestine and sowed the seeds of double promise and betrayal
for a long time to come
Nationalism is the basis for identity politics. It is a sense of pride and belonging with a
group. Sometimes this results in a desire to have a homeland with a homogeneous
community wherein the nation will reside
Arab Nationalism
Arab nationalism is a strong sense of Arab identity, and it is largely language-based
Egypt’s Nasser strove to create a strong sense of Arab nationalism, in an attempt to
unite the Arabian Peninsula into one state. Arab nationalism ultimately failed, due partly
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Document Summary

Orientalism is a concept developed largely through edward said"s book, orientalism . The book was extremely controversial, as it essentially called out western nations for their negative stereotypes of the middle east. When you think of orientalism as a concept, think of the way the east and arab states are presented in popular western culture. The culture is presented as ancient, mystical, and even backward. Orientalism as a discourse of domination, way of suggesting that the other is inferior. Colonial legacy is the elements of government, culture, and politics that stick around in countries even after they become independent states. For example, in syria, many people speak french because they were once colonized by the french. Additionally, colonizing countries often split borders that divided nations unnaturally. These unnatural borders still cause issues, and this contributes largely to the colonial legacy. Used by the french in morocco, syria, and lebanon. Colonial practices varied when it comes to: