KIN 365 Midterm: Exam 3 Study Guide

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Pressure = _force_ n or lb. _ m2 in2. Power = force x distance force x distance force x velocity. Power = force x velocity: energy, the ability to do work, many forms of energy: nuclear, heat, chemical, electrical, mechanical, 3 forms of mechanical energy, 1. Pe= weight x height (height above the ground: 3. Eccentric force: off axis: away from the center, cant be right on the center of the teeter-totter, 2. Magnitude: t = f x (d , = perpendicular (d ) = distance of force arm, 2. Direction: clockwise ( , counterclockwise ( + , 3. Point of application: the point or location at which the system receives the applied force, 4. Line of action: an imaginary line extending infinitely along the vector though both the tip and tail, calculating torque, equation. Notes from 03/28/16: biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system, the mechanical aspects of bone-muscle arrangements result in producing segmental movements.