HHE 378 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Necrosis, Axon Terminal, Nucleus Accumbens

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Pharmacology (vaccines, antibiotics), u. s. healthcare system, government (money, time, Manpower: extent of drug use in us. Hard to determine cannot access every user sales data incomplete: monitoring the future project. Conducted by the university of michigan for over 40 years and allows us to see changes in rates of drug use: table 1. 1. Percentage of college students reporting use of drugs, Alcohol was most used followed by cigarettes and then marijuana: trends in drug use, figure 1. 1 (marijuana--perceived availability, risk, and use) Risk went up and use went down from 1978- 1992 and risk has been falling since 1992 and use as been raising since 1992: correlates, risk factors and protective factors. Risk factors are correlated with higher rates of drug use while protective factors are correlated with lower rates of drug use. Engaging in frequent fighting, stealing, or other antisocial activates.