BIOL 221 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sphincter Of Oddi, Neonatal Jaundice, Cystic Duct

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It is often caused by viruses transmitted enterically (i. e. , through ingestion) or through the blood. Blood-borne viruses (hvb, hvc and hvd) are linked to chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis. In cirrhosis, the hepatocytes are replaced by fibrous tissue and function is lost. Starting at the appropriate ventricle, trace the flow of blood from the heart to the liver including the splanchnic circulation to the gut and the hepatic portal system then back to the appropriate atrium of the heart. The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile made by the liver. It releases the bile through the cystic duct. The mucosa consists of simple columnar epithelium and the cells contain microvilli for reabsorption of water. The muscularis consists of smooth muscle that contracts to expel bile. The serosa covers only the ventral portion because the dorsal portion abuts the liver. Bile backs up into the gallbladder when the sphincter of oddi (hepatopancreatic sphincter) is closed.