Psychology PSY 2311 Study Guide - Final Guide: Quid Pro Quo, Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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This does not cover the comprehensive section of the final. Sexual assault refers to any unwanted sexual contact, including fondling and molestation. Victim: this term would be more offensive to a person, it sounds like they were targeted. Survivor: is a more of a powerful term. Posttraumatic stress disorder: is defined as the long-term psychological distress suffered by someone who has experienced a terrifying, uncontrollable event. posttraumatic growth: Positive life change and psychological development following exposure to trauma. This syndrome is an acute stress reaction to a life threatening situation that can last two years but in some extreme cases lasts a lifetime. silent rape reaction: When the person is being harmed and they can"t say anything, so they stay quiet. marital rape: Rape of s person, his or her current or previous spouse. 13% of women have been raped by their significant other. Intimate partner rape: this not only includes married couples, but cohabiting couples. victim-precipitated rape: