BIOL 4376 Study Guide - Final Guide: Reference Range, Osmotic Concentration, Extracellular Fluid

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29 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Because 95% of the total co2 in blood is present as bicarbonate (hco3 ions and 5% is dissolved co2 gas and carbonic acid (h2co3: total co2 = hco3. + h2co3 + co2: metabolic alkalosis. Excess bicarbonate in blood or a loss of acid from the blood. Results: high ph and high bicarbonate (hco3) Loss of gastric acid - persistent vomiting, nasogastric suction. Description: most prevalent cation in extracellular fluid (ecf) Helps maintain electric potential necessary for transmission of nerve impulses. Major regulating factor for body water balance and serum osmolarity (water:solute ratio in vascular fluid) Water moves from areas of low osmolarity to high osmolarity. Sodium levels closely affected by body water status. Antidiuretic hormone (adh): loves water; wants more water to be around. Released from hypothalamus in response to thirst, decrease blood volume, increase serum osmolarity. Tubules and loop of henle reabsorb large amount of na+ Aldosterone hormone: loves na+; wants to increase body sodium levels.