SOCI 30463 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Clear Channel Outdoor, Transculturation, Flashlight

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Readings: (cid:498)you see that billboard? (cid:499) handout by ember: the company, clear channel. Outdoor americas as well as other companies are tracking people through mobile apps. With this, they will see and analyze people(cid:495)s travel patterns, behaviors, gender, age, and know who is looking at a particular (and in turn, what the average viewer looks like) in order to plan more effective, targeted campaigns. Young women (15-15 years old) were taken from rural/peasant villages and forced to produce toys for westernized cultures. New town: town built from scratch; built into a very different set of values, like laying a grid. Believes in modernist ideals: new is better; progress, uniformity are values that are built into spaces/buildings. Certeau believes that the (cid:494)city(cid:495) is defined by (cid:883)(cid:524) production of its own space, 2) everyday people/groups). Style is (cid:494)a linguistic structure that manifests on the symbolic level . an individual(cid:495)s fundamental way of being in the world(cid:495); connotes singular and in actual fact/norm.