PSY 217 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Immunosuppression, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Nocturnal Enuresis

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22 Dec 2019

Document Summary

Stress can be cumulative so your stress from childhood can carry on with you in life. Depression is associated with disrupted immune function, people with heart disease are about 3x more likely than healthy people to be depressed, much more common in people with heart disease than other medical conditions. Heart attack patients with high levels of depressive symptoms after having a heart attack are 3x more likely to die during the next 5 years than people who do not show symptoms. Bad for your health, if you let things go you will be more happy. By replaying the situation, you are not going to get over it, you will be more aroused, sad, more tense, heart rates increased, blood pressure increased. 9. 7% of women and 3. 6% of men but men are exposed to trauma more often than women. Rape, earthquakes, torture, military combat, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, disasters. Good cognitive ability can be a buffer against ptsd.