PSY 217 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cycloserine, Anxiety Disorder, Psychological Repression

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22 Dec 2019

Document Summary

Normal response to an abnormal stressor. stress symptoms fail to abate even when the traumatic event has passed and the danger is over. The memory of the traumatic event that results in the traumatic event being re- experienced involuntarily and with the same full emotional force that characterized the original experience, symptoms must last at least 1 month. Symptoms are: intrusion, avoidance, negative alterations in cognitions and mood, arousal and reactivity. Symptoms shortly after experiencing a traumatic event last longer than 2 days but less than 4 weeks. Strong and persistent fear that is triggered by the presence of a specific object or situation and leads to significant distress/impairment, usually show immediate fear or a. Major stress, such as work related problems, unemployment, marital problems, divorce, going away to college. Great coping strength, find ways to stay focused and motivated. Cause: traumatic events caused by humans are more likely to cause ptsd than accidents and natural disasters.