VIBS 305 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Endochondral Ossification, Supraspinous Ligament, Nuchal Ligament

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Osteology objectives: basic physical functions of bones are for support (contributes to shape, alignment, and positioning of body parts), protection of vital organs, and a system of levers which multiply the forces of contracting muscles to enable movement. Metabolic functions are for mineral storage of calcium and phosphate as well as hematopoiesis: osteoblasts secrete the osteoid or organic bone matrix. Osteocytes are mature bone cells surrounded by the matrix which maintain it. Osteoclasts dissolve or break down the extracellular matrix (can also break down cartilage): bones are classified based on locations: axial skeleton, appendicular skeleton, and heterotropic. Bones are also classified by shape: long bones are found exclusively in the appendicular skeleton. Short bones are only carpal and tarsal bones. Flat bones include the scapula, os coxa, ribs, mandible, and some skull bones. Irregular bones include the sternum, vertebrae, and some skull bones.