PSY 446- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 33 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Developmental: changes that occur over time; understanding normal/typical development. Biomedical: health and sickness are distinct entities, either healthy or not (medical model); biological properties. Integration of biological, psychological, and social elements; what they believe/perceive about their health; social context of your health: most pediatric psychologist rely on developmental and biopsychosocial. Interdisciplinary field addressing physical and mental development, health, and illness issues affecting children, adolescence, and families. Marriage between medical and psychology; most pediatric psychologists work in medical setting. Changes in health conditions (cid:862)(cid:373)arriage(cid:863) (cid:271)etwee(cid:374) psy(cid:272)h a(cid:374)d pediatri(cid:272)s. 1900 - 30% of all deaths were kids under age 5. Why: vaccinations (mumps, measles, polio, better maternity practices, better sanitation, sewage removal, awareness of germs, birth control, antibiotics. Assessment: evaluation, first meeting with client, clinical interview (symptoms, medical history), behavior observations, psychological/iq tests. trying to find diagnosis. Intervention: act in order to promote change in client. Consultation: higher service of psychologist for their expertise.