[GEO 103] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 73 pages long Study Guide!

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Phoenix did not use to be a big city with many people, in the 1990"s population started to grow and now it is the 5th largest city in the country. With more people comes larger demand for water, food and homes and causes more production of garbage. Average person in phoenix consumes more than 225 gallons of water per day. With land destruction for homes, habitat of rare desert animal"s declines. Human population is the single greatest influence on the status of the earth and its resources. & the earth"s resources provide the best power for human growth. More people= need for more food but does not grow at the rate population does. Exponential growth = condition of growth where the rate is mathematically proportional to the current value, (non-linear increase) Poorest people most vulnerable in terms of food, water and land crisis.