GEOB 103- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 85 pages long!)

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Introduction: geo-morph-ology, geomorphology study of processes shaping ea(cid:396)th"s su(cid:396)fa(cid:272)e & la(cid:374)dfo(cid:396)(cid:373)s & deposits they produce. Spheres of interaction: waves in which processes are interacting to create shape. Tectonic cycle & plate boundaries movement of tectonic plates over one another to create/remove mass: drives rock cycle (types of rocks (cid:271)(cid:396)ought up to ea(cid:396)th"s surface, hydrologic cycle movement of water. Feedbacks shape earth climate change: changes to geosphere can affect other cycles listed above (ex. land-use change affects habitats) Lithology (rock type) & geologic structures (sedimentary layering, faults & folds) greatly influence erosional resistance. Forces of denudation: shape of landscape = balance of tectonic (lifting) forces + denudation (erosional) forces, geosphere drives land uplift when it reaches surface, forces of denudation wear it back down (hydrosphere, atmosphere, & biosphere) 2: transform boundary plates sliding past each other, causes earthquakes, orogenic belt mountain belt, cratons old continental plates far from new ones.