BIO 327 Study Guide - Photoreceptor Cell, Transducin, Rhodopsin

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Receptors & receptor cascades (chapter 16 pg 548-564) Enzyme-coupled receptors are transmembrane proteins that display their ligand-binding domains on the outer surface of the plasma membrane. The cytoplasmic domain of the receptor either acts and an enzyme itself or forms a complex with another protein that acts as an enzyme. Largest class of enzyme-coupled receptors that have a cytoplasmic domain that functions as a tyrosine protein kinase, which phosphorylates particular tyrosines on specific intracellular signaling proteins. *abnormalities in signaling via rtks and other enzyme-coupled receptors have a major role in the development of most cancers* Activated rtks recruit a complex of intracellular signaling. This pairing brings the two intracellular tails of the receptors together, activating their kinase domains so that each receptor tail phosphorylates the other in this case of rtks, the phosphorylation occurs on specific tyrosines. The newly phosphorylated tyrosines act as docking sites for intracellular signaling proteins. Ras, are common intracellular signaling proteins recruited by most.