BIO 121 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Echinoderm, Detritivore, Amniote

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20 Jan 2014

Document Summary

Nutritional mode: ingestion (live organisms or nonliving organic material) Cell structure and specialization: eukaryotes, multicellular, proteins external to cell membrane provide structural support, have muscle cells and nerve cells specialized, tissues: groups of cells with common structure, function, or both. Dominate stage of life cycle diploid (2n: sexually (most, sperm and egg cells produced directly by meiotic division, **early embryotic development*, larval state (most animals have 1) Larva: sexually immature form of an animal, which is morphologically distinct from the adult. Metamorphosis: a developmental transformation that turns the animal into a juvenile that resembles an adult but not sexually mature. History of animals: neoproterozoix era (1 billion - 542 million years ago) Some are sponges, others related to living cnidrians. Time of increasing animal diversity: paleozoic era (542 - 251 million years ago, mesozoic era (251 65. 5 million years ago) First mammal nocturnal insect-eaters: cenzoic era (65. 5 million years ago to present)