PSY 240 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Institutional Review Board, Fishing Reel, Social Loafing

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Sign (- or +) indicated the direction of the relationship between variables: number indicates the strength of the relationship between variables. Two essential characteristics of experiments: researcher controls procedures and variables, participants are randomly assigned to the conditions of the experiment, random sampling vs. random assignment, random assignment, how participants are assigned to different conditions. Each participant has an equal chance of being in each treatment group: random sampling, how individuals are selected to be in a study, correlational research vs. experimental research. Statistical significance and replications: statistical analyses allows researchers to determine the likelihood that the results could have occurred by random chance. Internal validity: blind studies minimize experimenter expectancy effects, double-blind experiment - blind studies minimize experimenter expectancy effects, double-blind: experimenter and subject. External validity: what is it and considerations: mundane realism - how much the research setting resembles the real-world setting of interest.