POL 102 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Planned Parenthood, New Federalism, Patriot Act

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John locke: natural rights -> liberty: freedoms are endowed by some kind of creator. Hobbes: life w/o govt is short n gross -> order: people"s orig nature is bad, you cant trust anyone, not even urself. Rousseau: contract b/t ppl and govt so that govt should do things that majority of population want to happen, democracy. In theory, each person has one vote and their say -> govt will know what the people want. Should be voting like all the time but no one has time for that! Republic -> people don"t vote directly on policy. People have stuff to do and people cannot drop everything to study politics and vote. Several layers of govt -> national, state, county, town, city, village, local, school districts, etc. Federal govt does not need to get involved in lower governments" matters. Allows representatives at different levels of government. American political system: separation of powers.