[BIO 203] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (38 pages long!)

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June 3, 2016: relative to body size, a large animal has greater surface area for heat exchange with the external environment than a small animal, true, false. Metabolic rate per unit volume (unit metabolic rate: card activity #1. Construct a thermal budget for an organism listing the principle sources and processes of heat gain and heat loss. Think of a salamander on a hot rock. In one or two sentences, describe how scuttle, from the little mermaid, uses counter- current exchange to minimize heat loss to the ice. Include: the type of heat transfer (conduction, evaporation, etc. Mr will need to change when it is not in the thermoneutral change: false. Include all the 9 terms below at least once each: pyrogen, vasoconstriction, shivering, set-point, tb (= endpoint!, hypothalamus, endogenous heat, effectors, mr. Increase in pyrogens increases set-point temperature in the hypothalamus 2 effectors: Effector 1: vasoconstriction decreases heat loss/increases heat retention increase in tb.