BIO 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Coronavirus, Crop Yield, Phylogenetics

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Be able to list and describe multiple reasons why biologists build phylogenies. Whales wristbones show intermediate b/w fish and amphibians. Used to determine the relatedness of the group and plan nature reserves of clouded leopard. Used to understand how traits are assembled in a lineage over time. Why do birds have feathers? (feathers appeared before wings/flying trait) Did snakes lose legs or did they exist before legs evolved? (lost legs) Be able to describe how biologists, medical professionals, and lawyers use phylogenies in their work. Phylogenies are important for pathogen identification, ecology and transmission of pathogen, and treatment (variation in pathogen) Sars was found to be group 2 coronavirus in mammalian species. Ex mers was found to have bat hosts. Be able to build and test a phylogenetic hypothesis using genotypic and phenotypic data sources. Taxa = units being studied in phylogenetic tree. Character = data being used to test hypothesis; can be molecular information (ex.