BIO 201- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 241 pages long!)

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Which of the following statements is an inference about professor true: he has gray hair, he is wearing glasses, he doesn"t have perfect vision, he is wearing clothes, he is on the stage. Pattern & process: everything that biologists study can be divided into 2 categories: patterns and processes, patterns are typically observable events. It is easier to document patterns that to understand processes in all areas of science: for example, the initial pattern of people getting sick form. Sars was documented before we knew the cause of the pattern (viral infection from strain of coronavirus): chemists knew certain reactions took place long before they knew why they took place. Pattern: house plants wilt if you don"t water them. Pattern: differences in blood types relating to geography. Develop testable hypotheses and perform test: how about doing this for a pattern in nature, hypothetical example from paleontology. Build a conceptual model that explains the patterns on the last slide.