ENS 401A Study Guide - Final Guide: Elastic Energy, In Essence, 24 Minutes

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Describe proper squatting (i. e. bend-and-lift) and lunging techniques. Feet should be parallel or a slight eversion (8-10 degrees) Initiate movement by driving the hips backward first. Immediately after hip hinge, correct the spine by initiating pelvic tilt prior to lowering. Stabilize the spine and engage your core. Head up or head down position can increase spinal compression. Static half kneeling raises by cueing the eccentric hamstrings to stabilize the knee in the sagittal plane. Full lunge - keep com displacement in mind. Single leg jumping bounding hopping. Explain the mechanics at the shoulder involved in performing an arm abduction movement. Rotate arms overhead with palms facing inward and outward - notice the difference. Impingement of the deltoid tuberosity compresses space under the clavicle (collar bone) Exercises (i. e. upright row, lateral raises) are potentially dangerous. Solution: externally rotate as you lift up or do not come up as high. With arms externally rotated, the deltoid tuberosity falls behind.