01:830:333 Study Guide - Margaret Mead, Pituitary Gland, Menarche

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Explain how it happens course of development. Organize and give meaning to facts from research. Be able to recognize examples of reasoning from each side of each issue. Be able to categorize major theories by where they stand on each issue. Nature vs. nurture what causes developmental change: heredity (genes, innate, hardwired, environmental (biological and social, family, peers, media, nutrition, medical care. Continuity vs. discontinuity what does the change look like: continuous gradual, smooth, cumulative, discontinuous qualitative, abrupt, stages, piaget believe in discontinous development; that we think in different ways in different stages of life. He was a dualist and believed that we were born with innate knowledge and that ideas exist in the mind experience in life helps us recall ideas already there. The soul has 3 layers: desire, spirit, reason. 3 layers: platlike, animal, thinking: in what way is aristotle"s view of adolescence a foreshadowing of g. s.