01:830:331 Midterm: Exam III Lecture Notes

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Piaget was trained as a biologist and as a philosopher. Assimilation: external world understood in terms of current mental structures. Accommodation: mental structures are modified to adjust to environment. Viewed the child as actively constructing knowledge (not just learning facts) Viewed children as little scientists (not the scientist that already know everything, but a scientist that tests, experiments, etc) Example: observation of a 2 year old child. Stages of development: sensorimotor stage (birth 2 years) Capacity for mental representation (major achievement, end of sensory development) Object permanence (understanding that objects have a permanent existence even when they don"t see it) Imitation (to imitate someone, you need to observe and then mentally represent it in your mind, then put it into actions) Pretend play (mentally transformed it as a symbol; water bottle phone) Egocentricism: cannot take another person"s perspectives, point of view, opinion (3 mountain example) Egocentric speech ( this one goes here and this one goes here )