01:830:331 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Autobiographical Memory, Cultural-Historical Psychology, Object Permanence

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Piaget and vygotsky is also seen in ed psych chapter 9. Children at all age are like scientists in that they create theories about how the world works. Assimilation: taking in information that is compatible with what one already knows. Accommodation: changing existing knowledge based on new knowledge. Between 1 and 4 months, reflexes are first modified by experience. Between 4 and 8 months, the infant shows greater interest in the world, paying far more attention to objects. About 8 months of age, infants reached a watershed: the onset of deliberate, intentional behavior. Beginning at about 12 months, infants become active experimenters shake things, suck it, drop it, see what happens. Object permanence: the understanding acquired in infancy that objects exist independently of oneself. (ex: spiders still exist even if we close our eyes or wish it would go away)