01:830:220 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Good Will Hunting, Terror Management Theory, Psychosexual Development

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Erikso(cid:374)"s eight stages: trust vs. mistrust (infant, autonomy vs. shame and doubt (toddler, generativity vs. stagnation (50) Freud"s stages of ps(cid:455)chose(cid:454)ual develop(cid:373)e(cid:374)t: oral (0-2, anal (3-4) control, phalic (4-7, latency (8-12, genital (13+) Four different types of parenting: authoritative (child centered, demanding/controlling, authoritarian (conrtrolling/ rejecting) Indulgent (child centered, no rules: neglectful (rejection and no rules) Attachment (secure, anxious, avoidant: secure attachment- distressed at separation, happy union, anxious- distressed at separation, distressed at union, avoidant- dngaf. Hyperactivation/deactivation of attachment system: hyperactivation- need attention (teddy, deactivation- dngaf (gordie) Tests how baby will react in starnge situation. Idnetity diffusion- no exploring or making comitments: moratorium- exploring alternatives, forclosure- commitment without looking, achievement- diffusion moratorium achievement important. Chris- insecurely atatcheched (avoidant) and neglectful aprents. (identity vs. role confusion) Displaceemnt- (taking resentment and putting it on a less threatening target) Types of attachment in stand by me and good will hunting. Erickso(cid:374)"s psychosocial stages in stand by me and good willing hunting.