PSYC 1101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Prefrontal Cortex, Prenatal Development, Episodic Memory

51 views6 pages
15 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Prenatal development: germinal stage fertilized egg (zygote); two weeks after conception, embryonic stage two to eight weeks differentiation into different body parts, fetal stage 9 weeks to birth body systems develop. Social development: attachment, 60% secure (acknowledges when caregiver returns, 20% avoidant (does not acknowledge caregiver, 15% anxious (infant is distressed when caregiver leaves) Infancy (0-2) trust vs. mistrust: toddler (2-3) autonomy vs. shame and doubt, preschool (4-6) initiative vs. Guilt: childhood (6-12) industry vs. inferiority, adolescence (13-19) identity vs. role confusion, young adulthood (20s) intimacy vs. Isolation: middle adulthood (30s-50s) generality vs. stagnation, old age (60s +) ego integrity vs. Adolescence: begins with puberty, prefrontal cortex, finishes development in mid 20s to 30s, logical thinking; weighs benefits and risks, amygdala, emotional center of brain, dominates decision making in adolescents, fight, flight, freeze, freak out, not as rational. Level of activation (low arousal to high arousal)