01:790:340 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Burning Deck Press, Simile, John Donne

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When you quote another text in your writing, you should always blend the grammar of the quoted text with the grammar of your own sentence even when you"re quoting from a poem! There are two choices for formatting verse quotations in your prose. Keep this general principle in mind: you should always indicate where linebreaks occur in the text you"re quoting. If you"re quoting a passage that"s three lines or fewer, you should run the text into your paragraph, using forward slashes to indicate linebreaks (see example 1, below). If you"re quoting a passage that"s four lines or longer, indent and single-space the passage, typing out the linebreaks as they appear in the poem as printed (see example 2, below). Finally, use parentheses to indicate which lines you"re quoting. In felicia hemans"s poem casabianca, the speaker describes how the boy stood on the burning deck/ whence all but he had fled (lines 1 2).