01:790:340 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Aubade, Philip Larkin, Soot

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359:201 principles of literary study: poetry due in class thursday 10/17. Assigned reading: samuel taylor coleridge, frost at midnight (pp. 15 17 in the course reader), philip larkin, aubade (handout) Again, we"re reading two poems with time as a central theme. (also love? a question to ponder. ) How does the theme of time in these poems resemble or differ from to his coy mistress and. Frost at midnight was published in 1798; aubade in 1977. This version of aubade is missing line numbers. This means that coleridge"s poem is contemporary with mary robinson"s london"s summer. These might not seem, on the surface, like poems that have much in common. Remember, though, how we discussed the relative novelty of describing a scene of ordinary urban life in verse. Jonathan swift, writing about 90 years earlier, would have expected his reader to think his description of the morning was ironic, even a little ridiculous.