01:510:102- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 70 pages long!)

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Begins at the end of 15th and beginning of 16th century: emergence of urban merchants (bourgeoisie, city states in italy. Holy roman empire: modern successor of charlemagne"s empire, 1500, emperor was elected by 7 german princes, most powerful family in europe and german empire was habsburg family (from. Austria: charles v was emperor from 1519-1556. Martin luther (1483-1546: 1517: luther published "95 theses", denouncing sale of indulgences and corruption of. Catholic church: 1520: in freedom of a christian", luther argued: priesthood of all believers, salvation by faith alone, study of bible by scripture alone. Spread of protestantism: luther"s ideas spread rapidly with help from gutenberg"s 1440s invention: printing press. Emperor charles v and protestant princes: stated that each prince was to determine whether lutheranism (not calvinism) or. Spread of calvinism in france: french religious reformist john calvin (1509-1564) established a theocratic state in.