[05:300:306] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (127 pages long!)

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Research questions: are students more likely to be aggressive at school if they often see violence at home or in their neighborhoods? . A research method used to measure two naturally occurring variables and summarize the nature and magnitude of their relationship in numerical form (ex: is there a meaningful relation between students" socioeconomic status and their school achievement?: experimental. A research method used to test for a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables (ex: Does exposure to violent videogames cause an increase in adolescents" peer aggression?: quasi-experimental. Principles: generalizations that identify factors that affect learning or development and describe the specific effects these factors have. (fairly stable over time) Teaching situation is surprising and calls for conjectures, information gathering, and decision- making. Consistently observed differences (averages) among diverse groups of students. Culture: behaviors and belief systems of a longstanding social group. Individuals who have common historical roots, values, beliefs, and behaviors.