05:300:306 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Flight Controller, Functional Fixedness, Operant Conditioning

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Two objectives: gain knowledge about learners and how they learn, enhance understanding of the teaching-learning situation and capacity to help others learn. Telling whether or not cause and effect have been established. Educational psychology as a scientific field of study. Educational psychology: the scientific study of psychology education. Two-fold mission: enhance theoretical knowledge and improve educational practice. Learning: a relatively permanent change in knowledge, skill, or behavior or knowledge as a result of experience. Research questions: are students more likely to be aggressive at school if they often see violence at home or in their neighborhoods? . A research method used to measure two naturally occurring variables and summarize the nature and magnitude of their relationship in numerical form (ex: is there a meaningful relation between students" socioeconomic status and their school achievement?: experimental. Research questions: which method is most effective in reducing aggressive behavior- rewarding appropriate behavior, punishing aggressive behavior, or a combination of both? .