04:192:380 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Needle Exchange Programme, Nonverbal Communication, Pathos

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Denotative meaning is an exact, literal dictionary definition. Connotative meanings are the various associations that come to mind when we hear or read a word. Using understandable language: jargon, concrete, and abstract words. Jargon special words or expressions that are used by particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand. Abstract general words that can have multiple interpretations (gives the big picture) Asynchronous (prerecorded) recorded by speaker for later viewing by one or more audiences. Synchronous (real-time) delivered directly to the audience as the speaker presents the message from a remote location. To influence your audience"s beliefs, attitudes, or actions. Fact claim asserts that something is true or false. Example: stonehenge, the bermuda triangle, amelia earhart. Value claim offers a judgment on a subject. Policy claim: advocates an action by organizations, institutions, or audience members. Example: needle exchange programs, medicinal marijuana, 2nd amendment laws. Basic-level needs must be met before higher-level needs become important.