01:146:329 Study Guide - Final Guide: Entamoeba, Apicomplexan Life Cycle, Commensalism

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Handful are known to be pathogenic under normal situations within the host. Parasitic amoeba are capable of great harm, large because of their ability to hydrolyze host tissue and many produce proteases along their surface. Amoebae = third greatest killer among parasitic diseases. Almost all cases, parasites inhabit the intestine of their host. Need to know the species morphology, pathology, treatment, and prevention. Be able to recognize distinguishing characteristics of each intestinal amoebae. ***be able to differentiate the amoebae and study pathology of amoebic infections*** Responsible for identifying the organisms and the accompanying material: entamoeba histolytica, entamoeba coli, iodamoeba buetschilii, endolimax nana, entamoeba gingivalis, naegleria fowleri. Make a table of comparative characteristics for all of the species. Be able to identify trophozoite and cyst stages, which will aid in species identification. Note whether or not the species are pathogenic, where they are found, and how they compare to e. histolytica: entamoeba histolytica.