01:119:116 Study Guide - Final Guide: Genetic Drift, Genetic Variation, Immunology

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150 questions (10 questions about ecology field trip) (50 on exam i and ii) (about 25 on immunology, blood cells, excretion) Equilibrium: genetic equilibrium, random events, hardy-weinberg principal, expectation and actual (allele, phenotype, genotype frequency. Darwin and natural selection: he didn"t know much about genes. Homologous v. homoplastic structures: common ancestry v. common function but no common ancestor. Adaptation: during natural selection, and vestigial structures. Genetic drift: factors favoring certain natural selection, founder effect. Embellishing genetic variance in small populations: bottle effect. Some disturbance leaves certain segment of population who might have an overrepresentation of rare alleles. As apposed to natural selection: increase variability. Adaptive radiation: character displacement (rare, diversification of many related species. Happens rapidly (remember hawaiian islands and birds that became different species) Allopatric: genetic isolation develops new species. Genetic drift: hybrid zone where two species come together. Big changes occurring: from developmental side, host gene regulation, developing of leg segments in arthropods.