01:119:116 Final: Bio 2 Final Review

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Nervous system ii: organize pns/cns direction, brain structures/functions, afferent/efferent/sensory/motor, hindbrain/fore. Depolarization: trigger: ear: pathway of sound wave. Balance/equilibrium: eye: pathway of photon of light. Striated muscle: muscle fiber at rest: Motor unit: motor neuron that is associated with 150 muscle fibers neuron secretes ach. Binds to receptors that are on the muscle fiber. Triggers sr to open and release ca2+ into cytosol. Ca2+ bind to troponin complex (on thin filaments) This will change shape of troponin complex. Shape change moves tropomyosin and moves away from. At rest: atp bound to atp binding site, so actin doesn"t have anything bind to it. Adp + pi (inorganic phosphate) + energy. Energy transferred to myosin change shape now in high energy state. Nowww:::: high energy myosin head binds to myosin binding site on the actin. Crossbridge formed: link between thin/thick filaments. Myosin head goes back to low energy confirmation. ***pulls thin filament toward to the center of the sarcomere.