01:119:115 Study Guide - Final Guide: Natural Killer Cell, Human Leukocyte Antigen, Cytotoxic T Cell

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Immune function: background, mechanisms that protect body from infective agents, nonspecific mechanisms of defense, does not distinguish between infective agents, specific mechanisms of defense, responds specifically to particular infective agents. Nonspecific defense: skin and mucous membranes prevent entry and spread of microbes, physical barrier, chemical barrier a. Acidic b. bacterial flora c. antimicrobial proteins d. mucous of respiratory tract e. stomach acid: early infection microbes that penetrate the skin or mucous membranes encounter amoeboid. Wbc"s: phagocytic cells a. neutrophils i. chemo-attraction to site of infection ii. Wander or permanently reside in connective tissue or organs ii. Amoeboid cells that phagocytize microbes and cell debris d. eosinophils i. Primary immune contribution is against parasitic worms e. natural killer (nk) cells i. Cell lysis: inflammation response to tissue damage or entry by microorganism a. vasodilation i. Chemical signals initiate inflammatory response i. histamine released from injured basophils and masts cells in connective tissue ii.