BIO 150- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 13 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Species -> genus -> family -> order -> class -> phylum -> kingdom -> domain. Grouping species: taxonomy branch of biology that names & classifies species, formalizes this ordering of species into groups of increasing breadth. 3 domains of life: bacteria , archaea , eukarya eukaryotic. Science way of knowing an approach to understanding the natural world. Inquiry search for information and explanations of natural phenomena. No single scientific method you can/must follow. Forming & testing hypotheses: hypotheses, tentative answer to a well framed question, may lead to predictions that can be tested by making additional observations or by performing experiments, can test with experiments or observations. Flexibility of scientific process: ask questions, test in communities. Theories in science: theory, much broader in scope than a hypothesis, general to spin off many, new, specific hypotheses that can be tested, generally supported by a much greater body of evidence. Scientific results are continually vetted through the repetition of observations and experiments.