PSYCH 212 Midterm: Psychology 212 Exam 2 Study Guide

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14 Dec 2019

Document Summary

Stages of prenatal development (gestation): *check text further* More likely to have a spontaneous abortion or misscarriage. 6-8 weeks the fetus is about half an inch big. Fetal behavior & psychology (janet hopson): understand the key ideas and findings that were presented in the following research studies: (much of this is from lecture only) Closer to birth, they sleep 85-90% of the time. This includes deep sleep and rem sleep (> time) Eyes more like adults in terms of movement during rem sleep. Abnormal sleeping patterns that indicate a high risk. Lay baby on back and only allow them to rest on stomach once they can roll themselves over. Mature taste buds 3 months in-utero. Amniotic fluid will taste different depending on mothers diet and will change for spices. Preemies prefer tastes they were exposed to in utero. Babies prefer the sound of their mother"s voice through amniotic fluid over air conducted voice.