[HDFS 3423] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (38 pages long)

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Everyone"s levels are different: activating role: have a direct impact on physical development or behavior. Arthritis: threats to health have psychosocial causes (not natural causes, unhealthy behaviors, violence, and risky activity. Groups compared at different stages of puberty: cross-section study design. Increased conflict and distance between parents and children, regardless of whether adolescent is early or late maturer: research is inconclusive but increased conflict/distance could be due to changes in the adolescent"s, hormones, physical appearance, psychological functioning, lifestyle (ex. Staring junior high school: changes in the parent (ex. Boys are less likely to share about their first ejaculation: less is known about boys" reactions to first ejaculations, cultural differences. Three fundamental changes in adolescence: puberty, changes in social roles, changes in cognition/thinking. Changes in cognition (thinking: compared to children, adolescents are more sophisticated in their ability to, think about possibilities, think about abstract concepts, think about thinking (metacognition, think in multiple dimensions, see knowledge as relative (relativism)