[HDFS 3423] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (19 pages long)

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Short definition of puberty: period of lifespan in which an individual becomes capable of sexual reproduction. Hormones regulated by the endocrine system lead to physical changes. No new hormones are produced and no new bodily systems develop at puberty. Just a weird time in life leveling out hormones you already have. Puberty has three chief physical manifestations: rapid acceleration of growth height and weight (growing pains, development of primary sex characteristics which results in a series of hormonal changes. Gonads: development of secondary sex characteristics (changes in breasts, genitals, growth, of facial and body hair). The actual changes: adrenarche before period, gonadarche after period. The endocrine system: produces, circulates, and regulates hormone levels in the body, hormones. Substances secreted by endocrine glands: glands. Organs that stimulate particular parts of the body to respond in specific ways: gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) neurons. Neurons in the brain that play important roles at puberty: hormonal feedback loop (hpg axis)