PUBHHMP 4650 Study Guide - Final Guide: Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act, Health Insurance Mandate, Powerquest

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Mengyun gu fri dec 08 12:13:07 pst 2017 provision of health services market based vs. social justice based approach. - they are a range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that in influences that impact the status of an individual"s health: Affordable care act key elements: individual mandate, health insurance subsidies, expansion of medicaid, insurance regulations, employer requirements, health insurance exchanges. Individual mandate starting 21014, all individuals were required to have at least minimal health insurances: Health insurance exchanges: state-based regulated markets, individual and small businesses can band together to negotiate better prices, tax subsidies, open to employees of small firms, exchange inspect plans. Medicare spending reductions: closes gaps in preventive care and prescription drug benefits, changing payments methods to slow growth in costs: use more bundles payments, limits payment rates to private medicare plans, experiments with new payment and organization models. Includes: policymaking, social factors, health services, individual behavior, biology and genetics social determinants of health.