PSYCH 4508 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Decision Aids, Availability Heuristic, Social Security Number

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Psych 4508: actuarial judgment , clinical judgment , which is generally more accurate, actuarial models consistently outperform human judges, due to . Anchoring and adjustment: heuristics, they are simple short-cut rules for judgment, are heuristics generally useful, yield pretty good answers in many situations, sometimes fail us, leading to systematic errors or biases . Psych 4508: the anchoring heuristic, when judging under uncertainty, people use a reference point or. Regardless of base rates: conclusion, people often base judgments on more specific information, even if it is non-diagnostic. Probability, bayes" theorem and related ideas: they often ignore (or underweight) base rates. Psych 4508: the three cards problem and the value of symbolic representations, three cards are in a hat. One is red on both sides (red-red), one is white on both sides (white-white) and one is red on one side and white on the other (red-white).